Be aware to keep an eye on your Links panel (Window>Links) to make sure the resolution doesnt get too low as you make the image bigger. Add a background image by clicking and dragging it to an empty area in the canvas.
Adding custom images and backgrounds of creating projects in adobe dimension cc 1.0 on creativelive. An exciting new feature with the latest Dimension update is the ability to bevel the edges of your shapes. It includes the background, lighting, and ground plane, the space around your objects.
Download royalty-free stock photos, vectors, HD footage and more on Adobe Stock. Discover 900+ adobe dimension designs on dribbble. Search from thousands of royalty-free Dimension Background stock images and video for your next project. To position the building properly, watch carefully at around 6:25 to see how he pans the camera. Both the frame and the image will now be stuck together and you can drag it as big or as small as you like. Jumpstart your designs with our selection of 3d models, lights and materials. Note how he sets the render output to match the dimensions of the image and then hits shift + F (show safe frames) so you can set up the perspective match properly and when you render the building you will have the correct size match and aspect ratio. for header photos Header photo recommended dimensions are 1500px by 500px. Ok so this is the best way to have complete control, you can just hold down the Ctrl (Command on Mac) then also hold down the Shift key then simply grab the corner handle on your Adobe InDesign frame and drag it. Twitter Header Photo - This is the background image that appears on top of. This will scale proportionally it wont stretch your image at all so you can then use the hotspot to adjust which part of the image is visible in the Adobe InDesign frame.

then we are going to select the frame and look in to our InDesign Control bar at the top of the screen where there is a button that will scale the content of the frame to fit the frame. The first way is to use your main selection tool to make the frame the correct size that you want, dont worry about the image not moving with the frame just make the frame fit the space you require on the Adobe InDesign page.