So take a deep dive with us into the most powerful weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2. You’ll be facing not only wild animals, but the ruthless outlaws and lawmen of the west as well. In order to survive in this wilderness, you’ll need a vast array of weaponry. Exploring the gang Marston ran with before he left with his wife, you play as a new hero and must navigate the rough terrain of the Old West.

The VSS Vintorez is chambered in 9 mm caliber, and it is still very popular among Spetsnaz (Russian Special Forces) operators. It is a silenced sniper weapon intended to support urban or close-quarter scenarios. Now in recent weeks the highly anticipated sequel/prequel Red Dead Redemption 2 promises to further bring players into the era before cowboys fell. Updated: FebruThe VSS Vintorez is a designated marksman rifle produced in the former SSSR. Exploring the Old West and seeing the end of the cowboy era was fascinating to live through. The game followed John Marston, a former outlaw turned rancher who was forced by the federal government to hunt down his former outlaw compatriots. One game that captured the hearts of many in the last decade was Red Dead Redemption.

From traveling through Ancient Greece and Rome to the horrors of World War II and alternate realities where pop culture stopped evolving but technology didn’t, leading to an all-out atomic war, history is one of the biggest sources for creative inspiration in regards to the video game industry.
Rdr2 silent sniper rifle how to#
While fantasy driven worlds and far off galaxies still hold a lot of weight in the community, game franchises like Assassin’s Creed, Fallout, and Call of Duty all draw inspiration from or context from our world’s historical events to drive their plots home. Red Dead Redemption 2 Weapon Locations - The Rare Rolling Block Sniper Rifle 79,367 views 1K Dislike Share Save LunarGaming 190K subscribers How to find the unique secret rare guns. History has become a steady source of content for the gaming industry. There are plenty of single-player games (I loved Silent Scope 2 in the arcades) that utilize sniper gameplay well, but in team-based, competitive shooters, Sniper Rifles have no place and the Sniper role has actively worked to undermine the very idea of fun in these games since its creation.